Happy Dance

(Image courtesy of Google Images and shutterstock.com)

There are certain songs that get me up and dancing whenever I hear them. It never fails, as soon as is comes on the radio or on my playlist, I start to move out of pure joy. 

Those songs are: 

"Dancing Queen" by ABBA. When I was a kid, my friend and I would pretend to be the female singers from ABBA and would dance and lip sync to this and many other of their hits. 

"Happy" by Pharrell Williams. Need I say more? This song has the phrase "Happy Dance" written all over it!!

"Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson, featuring Bruno Mars. I just love the beat that this song starts with. 

"24K Magic" by Bruno Mars. This song just makes me move every single time I hear it.

After these last two years of the pandemic, happiness has been a bit scarce, especially if you are a social person. Having to lay low and stay home to stay healthy and safe has been hard on a large portion of humanity. I am predominantly an introverted person, so I spend a fair bit of time by myself, but even I have found it hard this last wave of the pandemic. Having songs that make me smile and dance has been a great panacea for me. 

What songs get you smiling and dancing?


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