Introduction To My Blog


(Photo courtesy of Blue Apron on Google Images)
What is this? A blog about eggs?

As much as I love eggs, especially sunny side up, this blog is more about looking for the beauty and positivity in each day!

Sunny side up is like a cute and easy mantra for me (and you) to carry forth now and into the future!

I will be posting every Sunday evening about whatever peaks my fancy that day. It could be an article I read, a seasonal makeup look or item that I am enjoying, a favourite item of clothing that I can't stop wearing because it makes me feel good...It could be anything that I appreciate and am grateful for!

I hope you come along with me each week to see what I  am up to and what I find captivating!! I look forward to hearing from you each week in regards to the topic that week or what you found to be noteworthy.

There is beauty all around us, all we have to do is just be open to finding it!

Have a beautiful week!


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