Happy New Year!!

(Picture courtesy of iPhone Wallpaper and Pinterest, where I found it)

Another new year.

A time to reflect on the past year and make new goals for this one. I don't make resolutions as they don't tend to stick for more than a couple of weeks or so. They are usually lofty and destined to fail. I like to set goals that are realistic for me and have a better chance of getting realized.

For instance, I want to read about a book a month, or 12 books next year. I will include a couple of meatier books along with some easier reads that may only take me a couple of weeks. To me, that is realistic. I was going to  create a new workout for this year, but I am enjoying the one I am doing so I decided to carry on with that one for the entire year. 

One thing I have found as I am getting older, is that setting a couple of goals, rather than four or five (etc.), is better for me. No one enjoys failure, but by putting too much on our plate at once, sets us up for just that...and it does nothing for our self esteem now does it?

After years of scholarly pursuits, some of my friends call me a school junkie, I find that September also feels like a new year. It definitely has those "new year vibes" such as starting anew and feeling rejuvinated and excited for what's to come. Is that just me, or do you feel that way too?


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