January thoughts

 "The world is charged with the grandeur of God"   - Gerard Manley Hopkins


God is in everything around us, and...God is in us!!

When we get weighed down by the minutiae surrounding us, be it from work, family, life or all of the above, it can be hard to see that we are surrounded by God. 

It is when we are quiet, not necessarily still that we are able to see God around us...in the sky, the clouds, the trees, the leaves, the birds, etc. I feel closer to God when I am walking in nature.

And it is when we are still, that we can see that God is within us, speaking to us with unheard words...our thoughts, our dreams, our purpose. This is often the toughest thing to do, be still. In a world of "what have you done for me lately", we feel out of touch if we take any time to sit and be quiet, to purposely listen for our own thoughts. 

That is one of the goals I want to accomplish this year, is to meditate every morning before I get up. 

I will start by laying quietly with my eyes closed (not asleep), letting my thoughts come and go without judgement. I will work up to choosing the thoughts that are productive to stay in my mind so I can meditate on them for awhile. I want to get to the point where I can meditate on a thought for five minutes without losing it. 

Do you meditate (talk to the God within)?


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