February musings on Love

Image courtesy of Robert J. Sternberg (robertjsternberg.com).

"All is fair in love and war" An English Proverb.

What does this proverb mean, you may ask? 

To me, it means that whether we are loving each other or fighting one another, we must always be fair. That means no maliciousness and name calling. 

When times are good and we are happy with our partners, it is easy to play fair and give them the benefit of the doubt, but that gets much harder during hard times or when anger is involved.

Try to remember that you and your loved one are on the same team! Find a way to disagree without anger and your ego getting in the way. It's not about being right, it's about finding some common ground, a compromise so that both of you can be happy with the outcome.

Happy Valentine's Day!



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