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I cry for many reasons; Anger, sadness, and when feeling overwhelmed by the world events.

Crying is a release that is not always respected by others, except during a traumatic time in our lives. 
Why is that? Why are we as a society still uncomfortable with depression and sadness? Why are we as a society still uncomfortable seeing people cry, or ostracizing boys and men for showing emotion? 

We need to change how we deal with emotions in our society. We need to be more accepting of mental illness and be quicker to lend a hand to get help. We have made good strides but more needs to be done to keep mental illness from being swept under the proverbial rug, and to see the light of day.

Swallowing our emotions and shoving family mental illness under the rug is no longer how we deal with problems. This behaviour is killing us as a society. Anger is killing us as a society. 

If you are suffering from sadness, depression or any other mental health issue, please seek help. There is nothing wrong with reaching out for help...Nothing!!



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