Saving My Sweaters!

In today's post I want to show how basic hand sewing skills saved two of my sweaters from being thrown out. If you don't know how to sew, you can find videos on YouTube that show you basic stitching techniques that can help you to prolong the life of your clothes!!

I had a couple of small holes in a couple of my sweaters that I fixed with just a needle, thread and simple sewing stitches. One of them is a grey sweater that had a small hole in the sleeve where the cuff attached: 

The second sweater is a glittery gold shell (sleeveless) that had a small hole in the collar. Using the same stitch I used to mend the grey sweater, I was able to quickly mend this small hole:

With the most basic of sewing skills, you too can prolong the life of your favourite clothes.

Do you have any clothes you would like to mend?


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