Selfcare: Taking Care of My Feet

I was inspired by my recent self care post to do a self care series where I share what I do, and use, to care for different parts of my body. I thought I would literally start at the bottom.

I am notorious for not wearing socks in my foot ware, except for my gym shoes, and my heels, the balls of my feet and my big toes bare the brunt of it. I often get dry scaly heels and cracks in my skin in the balls of my feet and toes which can be quite deep and sore.

I know I should take better care of my feet and plan to do so once I can renew them to their former soft skinned selves.

Here are pictures of my poor feet before:


First I filed my feet with a Cala foot paddle from Shop Miss A, then I took my Micro Pedi foot sander to finely file my dry skin.

The final step was to add an ointment to soften my skin and put on some socks so the ointment would stay where it was applied. The ointment I used is an old one from Avon:

I am not even sure if this line still exists but I am sure they still have a foot care line. You can also use O'Keefe's Healthy Feet or any other foot ointment from the store of choice. I just happened to have this one and it still smells and looks fine.

I followed up with an another application of this ointment and put on some ankle socks before bed. I will probably perform this routine every second night and apply ointment and socks every night until my skin is back to normal on my feet. 

Then I will file them once a week and apply regular lotion whenever needed to keep my feet in good condition. I am also thinking of trying one of those foot peeling treatments to see how they work. Have you tried one?



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