Thoughts on Gratitude

Image courtesy of Google Images and Aaron Reed Photography

"When I count my blessings, my whole life turns around." - Willie Nelson

Once a year we are reminded to give thanks...during the holiday of Thanksgiving. For Canada that time comes on the first Monday in October.

The above quote says it all...when we count our blessings, we see the abundance in our lives and that gratitude makes our life better, even when external forces try to bring us down.

But how can we extend this feeling beyond just one day a year? Anytime you get a chance to be thankful for what you have, you extend that feeling of abundance in your life. When you feel abundant, your desire for more is replaced by a feeling of enough, or even that of wealth.

This may sound trite, but when you think of just one thing you are grateful for each day, your mood is lifted and your day can feel more productive and full. 

Happy Thanksgiving!



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