I Got My Colours Done!!

For my birthday this past year I asked my husband to get me a colour consultation with a lady I have followed on YouTube for over four years. 

Image courtesy of @useless_dk on Instagram

Her name is Signe Hansen of www.uselesswardrobe.dk  and she is a certified stylist and colour consultant.

Because I had already been following and corresponding with her in the past, I wanted to support her and get my colour consultation with her. I did have to do it virtually over Zoom because she lives in Denmark!

You are probably familiar with "Colour Me Beautiful" colour draping services. However, it has really evolved over the years. I first heard about it in the 1980's when it used to divide each of us into different colour seasons based on our skin tone, hair and eye colour. Now it is more nuanced and there are more groupings that are more based on tones, shades and saturation of colour than just the four seasons.

I sent Signe pictures of me in natural light, both with and without makeup on. From those pictures she determined that I am in the Cool Colour family as opposed to the Warm, and in fact that is my dominant colour family. 

Swatch Wallet based on My Personal Colour Palette

According to the new colour system, we have a dominant colour palette, as well as a secondary and tertiary palette. It is still based on skin tone, hair and eye colour, as well as the amount of contrast between hair and skin colour. So the cool colour palette was what is most harmonious with my colouring. 

My Dominant Cool Colour Palette Swatches

From that Signe determined that I have a secondary Clear, as opposed to Soft, and a tertiary Deep, as opposed to Light, colouring. 

The Last Two Pockets Show My Secondary and Tertiary Palettes.

Clear and true shades of the cool colours are best for me as opposed to the soft, tinted or pastel versions of those colours. As far as saturation goes, it was determined that I look better in deep tones as opposed to light saturations, because of the contrast between my hair colour against my skin colour and tone. 

She did add that as my hair gets more "Arctic Blonde" highlights (grey hairs), my tertiary colouring may gradually switch to the lighter tones of the cool, clear colour families because there will be less contrast between skin and hair colour (our skin colouring can fade as well).

Overall I really enjoyed my consultation and I am glad to have had the opportunity to get it done. You can sign up for a consultation with Signe at https://www.uselesswardrobe.dk/styling-services/ or you can look up colour consultants on Google for someone more local if you prefer a face to face consultation.

Either way, if you are looking to create a wardrobe that truly suits you and your colouring, and therefore is more sustainable, I encourage you to try this service.



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