No-Buy 2023: January Update

 In 2022 I decided to go on a No-Buy for all of 2023 for makeup, clothes, jewelry and skincare.

For clothing and skincare, it is a replacements only no-buy (RONB) and for makeup and jewelry, it is an absolute no-buy.

As we have been planning to get our closets redesigned by California Closets this year, it became clear to me that I have wayyyyyy too many garments of clothing and pieces of jewelry. I already knew I had way too much makeup, but because it took up less space it didn't occur to me to worry about it...until now. 

In past declutters, I rashly gave away a lot of clothes and makeup which triggered me to accumulate even this time when I declutter, I will do it slowly and make sure I will not miss what I am decluttering. And at the same time, I decided to not purchase any makeup or jewelry this year and only buy replacements for clothing (because white things...and underwear) and skincare.

So far I have done well in January. I have not purchased anything that is off limits. It is my first month and so I am Gung Ho, as they say.  As per the image above, I track each day I don't break my no-buy with an emoji on my calendar app. I screenshot the month and then pick an emoji that fits that month. 

I have not been tempted to buy anything this past month, but I have been intrigued by some new makeup releases. So far being on a no-buy has saved me from desiring anything. I just tell myself "not right now" rather than a hard no, and it has been working well. Not to say that I haven't researched where to buy something for when I can purchase makeup again, but I remind myself that I will be able to purchase makeup in the near it next year or the following year. 

I am not sure how long I will be on an absolute no-buy for makeup and jewelry. I may go on a specific no-buy for certain items next year if I can get through enough products during my panning projects. For now I am focused on getting my numbers down through use and slow and deliberate decluttering.

Are you on a no-buy this year?


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